慢慢在蒐集一些經濟指標的連結, 自己參考用. 不定期會更新.
A. U.S. Composite Economic Indexes
(Source: The Conference Board, USA)
Leading Economic Index Factor
1 Average weekly hours, manufacturing 0.2549
2 Average weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance 0.0307
3 Manufacturers' new orders, consumer goods and materials 0.0774
4 Index of supplier deliveries – vendor performance 0.0677
5 Manufacturers' new orders, nondefense capital goods 0.0180
6 Building permits, new private housing units 0.0270
7 Stock prices, 500 common stocks 0.0390
8 Money supply, M2 0.3580
9 Interest rate spread, 10-year Treasury bonds less federal funds 0.0991
10 Index of consumer expectations 0.0282
Coincident Economic Index
1 Employees on nonagricultural payrolls 0.5439
2 Personal income less transfer payments 0.1873
3 Industrial production 0.1497
4 Manufacturing and trade sales 0.1191
Lagging Economic Index
1 Average duration of unemployment 0.0371
2 Inventories to sales ratio, manufacturing and trade 0.1238
3 Labor cost per unit of output, manufacturing 0.0608
4 Average prime rate 0.2825
5 Commercial and industrial loans 0.1127
6 Consumer installment credit to personal income ratio 0.1872
7 Consumer price index for services 0.1959
B. Baltic Exchange Dry Index (BDI)
1. www.wikinvest.com
2. www.investmenttools.com
C. Energy related
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Gov.
美國的官方能源資料網站. 這裡資料豐富, 舉例來說:
Short-Term Energy Outlook
可以看到OPEC短期產能, 剩餘產能及生產的數據. 也可以看到全球能源消耗及庫存(單位:月).
D. Market Data
Source: WSJ Markets Data Center
E. U.S. Economic Accounts
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
F. Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)
Source: Institute for Supply Management
G. Consumer's Sentiment Survey, U of Michigan
Source: Reuters
H. Money Supply, M1 and M2
Source: Federal Reserve
I. US Treasury Yield Curve
Source: US Dept of the Treasury
I. US Treasury Theoretical Spot Rate Curve/Term Structure
Source: ???